My History

I started self-healing after the military and some intense explorations of what a 'man' is left me anxiety ridden, physically injured and emotionally numb. At the beginning I would listen to guided meditations, only paying attention to 5% of the entire meditation. eventually my concentration grew and I started practicing yoga to heal my physical body; I would only practice in complete darkness and in a room by myself for the first 6 months because I was so worried what other people may think.

These moments with myself were the first that I was able to consciously connect to and feel what is going on inside of me - until then I was simply running on a hamster wheel doing what I thought I was supposed to be doing, rather than what my heart really was here to do. 

I am grateful for the alcoholism, the continuous bed-ridden back pain, the endless frozen meals and sugar-filled snacks, and even the anxiety attacks that would leave me curled and frozen on the floor.  

Now I am sober, my body feels incredible, I can concentrate for hours on end, I nourish my mindbodyself with good food, water, media and family; I teach people how to find connection to themselves in a world designed to keep us distracted and disconnected. 

I pride myself by helping others take control of their lives mentally, physically, spiritually, and have helped many people get up and running on the road to self-mastery. Who knows what you'll be able to achieve with a kick-start in the right direction! 

I bet it will be something amazing.


Certified with:

  • C.H.E.K Practitioner Level II
  • CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level II
  • CHEK Integrated Movement Specialist II
  • Bowen Therapy Practitioner
  • RYT 200 Hatha Yoga - Pranashanti Yoga Centre
  • RYT 220 Kundalini Yoga - Pranashanti Yoga Centre
  • LENS Neurofeedback Technician
  • MA Religion and Public Life - Specialized in Kundalini Yoga
  • BA(Hons) Major in Philosophy & in Religion, Minor Psychology